Derek Bekker
Consciousness and HSP Coach
Derek supports highly sensitives to shift from victim perspective towards seeing their innate gifts by focussing on guided awareness and witnessing of internal parts towards their unburdening and integration.
Derek's Bio
20 years into a mining industry career I first reached out to coaches in the search for why I never really fitted in. My first coaching training opened doors into a 10 year spiritual search. Still not having found the answers it ended in a disillusioned resignation from a senior position.
For a while I found deep relieve from Kahuna bodywork training and practice. It was however only after a deeply spiritual experience at a fasting Native American like dance that the reality of the Highly Sensitive Personality trait finally dawned on me.
Having walked on the edges of both left and right brain worlds I focus on bringing both sides into my coaching sessions. I like to deeply listen to what is going on for you, to then through a meditative process open your awareness into sensing beyond your normal range, finding internal parts that needs to be unburdened and reintegrated before we develop a strategy for your way forward.
Education & Qualifications
Certified Highly Sensitive Person Coach
Diploma in Professional Consciousness Coaching
Level 7 Kahuna Massage
Engineering Diploma Bachelors in Commerce MBA